About Me

I am an Associate Professor at Tyndale University (in the seminary) and teach courses in theology and ethics. I also do consulting work related to these fields for churches, charitable organizations, and professional groups and networks.

I am passionate about theology as a formative and life giving practice for the church and as a spiritual discipline for all Christians. I believe that all Christians are called to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2) and that theology is meant to assist in that journey. Pastors and theologians are particularly called to study and practice theology in a more intensive way because it is intrinsic to their particular vocations. But theology is meant to inform and equip all Christians in all walks of life.

My wife, Elena Taliotis Franklin, is a counselor and spiritual director. We have been privileged to serve together  in church leadership,  university campus ministry, and spiritual formation retreats and other events. Together we parent three wonderful children.

In my down time, I enjoy music, film, food, ultimate frisbee, and occasionally fishing (as long as I can bring a book).

Professional Qualifications (click here for my CV)